between renewable
power plants’
production and energy

/Consumption (retail, commercial and industrial)

The consumption fluctuates very heavily with sharp peaks (depending on season and time)

Even the average spread is significant

The clients demand continuous energy supply – even peaks need to be serviced

/Renewable power plants

Actual production is limited by natural factors – wind blow and sunshine

And also by the actual consumption level as the grid does not accept more energy than the actual consumption

Given the various bottlenecks within the system, power plants’ average output limited to ~20-30%

/Grid networks

The grid networks were structured around the traditional power plant system (fewer plants with large and stable production)

The grid networks cannot store energy

/Green Horizon balances the difference between power plant’s production and the fluctuating demand:

Actual production is limited by natural factors – wind blow and sunshine

And also by the actual consumption level as the grid does not accept more energy than the actual consumption

Given the various bottlenecks within the system, power plants’ average output limited to ~20-30%



Existing batteries need to be charged from the grid

Existing batteries cannot be directly linked to the power plant

Existing batteries operate on an E2E cycle basis (full charge – full discharge vs. load balanced operations (see illustration below) – Extended lifespan

/Green Horizon

First electricity storage specifically designed for renewable power plants

Can be charged directly from the power plant – bypassing grid during charging phase

Can be positioned between the power plant and the grid as a buffer

Manages continuous and simultaneous charging and discharging


Green Horizon advantages

Renewable Specific App.

Transmission Curtailment
Time Shifting
Forecast Hedging
Frequency Support
Fluctuation Suppression

“Whole Grid” App.

Transmission Deferral
Load Leveling/Arbitrage
Forecast Error
Frequency Regulation
Transient Stability


Green Horizon storage architecture specifically designed for large-scale renewables

/High-voltage DC (up to 800 v) vs. standard 48v storage:

Mega blocks vs existing solutions using small cells: For example, other leading manufacturer, for a 1MW storage unite, uses 283,000 cells vs Green Horizon’s 432 blocks.

Low number of large blocks substantially simplify electric wiring, avoid heat generation and fire hazard, with no energy loss.

Reduced monitoring and maintenance as well as associated costs

Significant wire gauge reduction between storage and power producer (PV, wind, etc.), hence increase in efficiency

/Intelligent Storage System (ISS):

Intelligent Direct Charge (iDC)- Proprietary Intelligent Electronic Interface (IEI) connects storage to renewable power source (PV, wind, other) – enables direct charging of Green Horizon directly from the source, effectively bypassing the inverter during charging phase. Island operations (no grid needed) integrated into system.

Mega block architecture: Regardless of the number of individual cells used, ISS monitors (voltage, temperature, chargedischarge rate) and controls all cells (200+) every second. Thus, the entire storage behaves as a single cell.Reduced monitoring and maintenance as well as associated costs

Near-zero passive discharge – Once charged the storage maintains its nominal charge level overlong period of time.

Extended lifespan – up to 30,000 cycles equivalent - ~25-30 years of standard operations with no drop in capacity*

/Enhanced battery design:

Light weight (1000 Ah=43 kg)

Extended temperature range: -25 Celsius + 85 Celsius – can be used anywhere on Earth

Remote Monitoring and Reporting via internet

Absolute safe (Explosion & fire resistant)


Gyula Bunna


Gyula has 30 years banking and finance experience in his backpack. More importantly he has a loving family, He has raised two sons. He studied and worked in a few countries (UK, USA, Netherlands and Hungary). Gyula served as a banker at ING , Citibank , GE Money, UniCredit, and the local saving cooperatives. And also as finance manager of the international treasuries of Manulife Canada, Toronto Dominion Bank, Global Crossing etc. He has been engaged in the green energy – electricity to be specific – for three years. He now focuses on increasing the green energy production efficiency. He is yet to understand the origin and structure of this good universe – that is why he is obsessed learning more about quantum physics and theology.

Let me quote the opinion of Citibank securities services global head about Gyula “I worked with Gyula early on in his career, when we were building Citi's securities services business in Eastern Europe. He was a major factor in our ability to build a strong franchise that has kept growing over the years. Client-focused, creative, pragmatic, and a quick learner, Gyula would hit the ground running and deliver results that outstripped expectations. His career has progressed a long way since then but clearly he's lived up to the early promise he displayed.”


Zoltán has more than 30 years of managerial experience. He was a senior at HR and Finance at IT and food companies (Primer, EuroMACC, Swicon). After graduating with an MBA (Master of Business Administration, Cornell University), he began working in green energy. He was previously involved in wind generator development. His main idea is that sustainable management can be achieved by increasing efficiency. Therefore, his focus to energy storage. It has been working for years to protect our natural environment, but mainly to preserve the living environment, and the wildlife conservation. Zoltán and his wife live in a beautiful family with two boys, which is why sustainable management is important to him. Zoltán is a sensitive leader who can motivate his team with his foresight. He knows no problem, just a task.

Zoltan Ratonyi